report on previous project



Nakirango Village, Kasese-District-Uganda


Phone number:+256778562857

   Date: 10/10/2021

Mr.Kisande Abel

The Director,

Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable community information Centre

Dear Sir;


BRWOFFCOD do thank Abexinah for considering our application, and funding our vegetable growing project which has helped to improve the diet, and increase the house hold income of 45 vulnerable rural women of Nyakirango Village.

The project was fully implemented and met its aims of improving the nutrition of the women and their family members, and income generation after sell of vegetables as was stated in the proposal.

The following project activities were done effectively

proper seed bed perpetration

Proper trans-planting

Effective training of the beneficiaries in vegetable growing.

Project monitoring

The fund was properly used and there were no challenges in price changes, the cost remained the same as it was stated in the proposal.

The total fund of USD 300 was spent as follow.

1.Purchase of seeds      USD 46

2.Seed bed preparation  USD 35

3.Project training       USD 54

4.project monitoring    USD 80

5.purchase of knapsack  USD15

6.purchase of insecticides USD 62 withdraw charges USD 8

The project have changed the lives of vulnerable rural women of Nyakirango village through consumption of green vegetables which have improved the diet of rural women and their children as well as increasing house hold income through sell of vegetables. More so disease of children due to lack of balanced diet or eating deficiency   have been eliminated for example standard growth.

This was determined by the project evaluation team. The photo above is for a pregnant beneficiary Musoki Edrin harvesting her vegetable, she narrates that the project have helped her a lot, she easily get money from sell of her vegetables and vegetables souse.

Not only musoki appreciate the impact of the project but also other beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries say that they have learnt a lot from the project and confirm that they will continue growing vegetables despite the fact that the project has ended.

The project team of BRWOFFCOD have future plan of writing similar proposals to reach the skill of vegetable growing to more vulnerable women and continued assessment of previous projects for proper project sustainability.

I acknowledge the work of Abexinah orphans and vulnerable community information centre for the funding of the project and the project team of BRWOFFCOD for their work which has led to the effective completion of the project.

In conclusion, to a large extend the project have achieved its aims stated in the proposal,in case we apply for funding opportunity that may exist again please put our organization into consideration.

Signed by

Ms. Masika Maclin



BRWOFFCOD urgently need support to help rural vulnerable women and girls.

You can support them by:

  • Making cash donation
  • Becoming a fundraiser
  • Becoming a member
  • Volunteering for a project.

The following projects need support.

  • Embroidery training Project
  • Training in bar and liquid soap making
  • Salon African hair cut training.
  • Training in afforestation.
  • Training in vegetable growing.
  • Extension of drinking water in areas without water.
  • Training in agricultural value addition chain.